Urban cycling initiatives lead to liveable cities Say what? How cars and bikes can share parking spaces In Copenhagen, cycling to work is 'just the obvious thing to do'.
Think Denmark (click to download PDF, please see page 20-21): White papers for a green transition: Innovative solutions in urban transportation
Cycling Embassy:
Handle the bike – prize-winning traffic safety seminar for sports cyclists
Collaboration for creating a better city
Improved passability for cyclists in connection with road works
How do we prevent bicycle thefts - measures in Denmark vs the Netherlands
Kisses on the cheek and tango - the cycling embassy of Denmark in Buenos Aires
500 meters of bicycle parking
Shared parking space for cars and bikes
Collaboration for creating a better city
State of Green: Sustainable Urban Transportation (eller klik herfor PNG billedfil)
HOE360consulting expands their business to Xining China
HOE360 Consulting has in several contexts contributed to public knowledge and debates on trends in cycling, urban spaces and green mobility in Denmark and internationally.
Here are both a selection of articles, interviews with Niels Hoé and a video from Argentina about the local efforts to improve cycling. Please note that the links provided point to external sites.